Flamenco Step by Step. Bulerias (04) - VHS

Flamenco Step by Step. Bulerias (04) - VHS

Ref: 504880004
3'00Plazo de salida


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The secrets of the most festive palo (form), revealed by Adrián Galia, who once again shows us flamenco dancing as a pure and universal art form that is accessible to everybody, as he himself recognises.
Dancing: Adrián Galia, Siudy Garrido.
On guitar: Diego de Bormujos, Miguel Pérez.
Singing: Pepe Jiménez, Chiqui de la Línea, Segundo Falcón.
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The secrets of the most festive palo (form), revealed by Adrián Galia, who once again shows us flamenco dancing as a pure and universal art form that is accessible to everybody, as he himself recognises.
Dancing: Adrián Galia, Siudy Garrido.
On guitar: Diego de Bormujos, Miguel Pérez.
Singing: Pepe Jiménez, Chiqui de la Línea, Segundo Falcón.
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