Clara Montes. A manos llenas

Clara Montes. A manos llenas

Ref: 50112UN594
21'70Plazo de salida
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Shipment period 3 working days
"A Manos llenas" the big return of Clara Montes, with shades of flamenco copla: a tribute to Rafael de León including some unpublished songs of the poet. You will find some of his collaborations with Pepe Habichuela, Juan Carmona and Jose Miguel Carmona. You'll find coplas as "Y sin embrago te quiero'', ''Pena penita pena'', ''Te quiero, te quiero'' and many more...
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"A Manos llenas" the big return of Clara Montes, with shades of flamenco copla: a tribute to Rafael de León including some unpublished songs of the poet. You will find some of his collaborations with Pepe Habichuela, Juan Carmona and Jose Miguel Carmona. You'll find coplas as "Y sin embrago te quiero'', ''Pena penita pena'', ''Te quiero, te quiero'' and many more...
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