Inflatable applauders Flag of Spain

Inflatable applauders Flag of Spain

Ref: 5013400273
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Available stock: 1
Shipment period 3 working days
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Shipment period 3 working days
Nuestros animadores son el merchandising deportivo ideal. Son aplaudidores de la bandera de España.
Permiten al aficionado aplaudir con fuerza y sin esfuerzo.
Tanto si vas a ver a nuestros deportistas del mundo del futbol, tenis, motos, fórmula 1, baloncesto, golf, ciclismo, balonmano... podrás animar con todas tus ganas.
Estos aplaudidores hinchables reciben otros nombres como: Banger, palo de aplauso, palo de ruido palo hinchable, Tap Tap, palo tambor. 

Our entertainers are the ideal merchandising for sport. They are applauders of the flag of Spain.

The fan can applaud strongly and without any effort.

If you want to go and see our sportsmen from football, tennis, motorcycles, formula 1, basketball, golf, cycling, handball ... you will be able to encourage them easily.

These inflatable applauders receive other names as: Banger, applause stick, noise stick, inflatable stick, Tap Tap, drum stick.


Measures: 11cm X 60cm


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Nuestros animadores son el merchandising deportivo ideal. Son aplaudidores de la bandera de España.
Permiten al aficionado aplaudir con fuerza y sin esfuerzo.
Tanto si vas a ver a nuestros deportistas del mundo del futbol, tenis, motos, fórmula 1, baloncesto, golf, ciclismo, balonmano... podrás animar con todas tus ganas.
Estos aplaudidores hinchables reciben otros nombres como: Banger, palo de aplauso, palo de ruido palo hinchable, Tap Tap, palo tambor. 

Our entertainers are the ideal merchandising for sport. They are applauders of the flag of Spain.

The fan can applaud strongly and without any effort.

If you want to go and see our sportsmen from football, tennis, motorcycles, formula 1, basketball, golf, cycling, handball ... you will be able to encourage them easily.

These inflatable applauders receive other names as: Banger, applause stick, noise stick, inflatable stick, Tap Tap, drum stick.


Measures: 11cm X 60cm


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