Fake sword

Fake sword

Ref: 50232ESTQ
35'10Plazo de salida
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Shipment period 3 working days
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Shipment period 3 working days

This sword for costume is called as well " for help", and adopt its present shape at the end of the XVIII century,
at the Pepe-Hillo's times. From the Manolete's times, the fake sword is used during the "faena de muleta", in order to
avoid accidental wounds and for its light weight. The right-handers change it for a real sword when comes the moment to kill.
Measurements: 91cm.

The rapier is only the sword. The cape is not include.


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This sword for costume is called as well " for help", and adopt its present shape at the end of the XVIII century,
at the Pepe-Hillo's times. From the Manolete's times, the fake sword is used during the "faena de muleta", in order to
avoid accidental wounds and for its light weight. The right-handers change it for a real sword when comes the moment to kill.
Measurements: 91cm.

The rapier is only the sword. The cape is not include.


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