Don Juan - El recital de la Unión

Don Juan - El recital de la Unión

Ref: 50509NM477
17'61Plazo de salida


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An old mining town. The fascinated audience gathers around a flamenco singer. He is 85 years old and tells his stories like he did 70 years ago. This is flamenco, and Juanito Valderrama is a sorcerer who needs no filmmaker to discover him. In any case, he already made enough films in his day.

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An old mining town. The fascinated audience gathers around a flamenco singer. He is 85 years old and tells his stories like he did 70 years ago. This is flamenco, and Juanito Valderrama is a sorcerer who needs no filmmaker to discover him. In any case, he already made enough films in his day.

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