The guitar in the flamenco - Rogelio Reguera - Scores

The guitar in the flamenco - Rogelio Reguera - Scores

Ref: 50490G277
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With these lessons of ''The guitar in the flamenco'', the author is setting out to publish the learning and the most fundamental preparation for those who are interested in the Flamenco Music.

This scores book contents:
Text: Flamenco, digitación, rasguero, el trémolo, el golpe, exercises of rasguero, falseta, farruca,…
Music: Farruca, Sevillanas I, II, III, IV, Granadinas, Malagueñas, Verdeales; Bolero of Málaga, Tarantes, Minera, Soleares, Alegrías in Mi, Caracoles, Bulerías, Seguiriyas, Serranas, Fandangos of Huelva, Tientos of Jerez, Tientos of Granada, Tanguillo of Cádiz, flamenco style tap dance, Guajiras, Colombianas.

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With these lessons of ''The guitar in the flamenco'', the author is setting out to publish the learning and the most fundamental preparation for those who are interested in the Flamenco Music.

This scores book contents:
Text: Flamenco, digitación, rasguero, el trémolo, el golpe, exercises of rasguero, falseta, farruca,…
Music: Farruca, Sevillanas I, II, III, IV, Granadinas, Malagueñas, Verdeales; Bolero of Málaga, Tarantes, Minera, Soleares, Alegrías in Mi, Caracoles, Bulerías, Seguiriyas, Serranas, Fandangos of Huelva, Tientos of Jerez, Tientos of Granada, Tanguillo of Cádiz, flamenco style tap dance, Guajiras, Colombianas.

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