Didactic Manual for flamenco guitar Nº 1. Manuel Granados

Didactic Manual for flamenco guitar Nº 1. Manuel Granados

Ref: 500720017
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Shipment period 3 working days
Teach yourself Flamenco Guitar, Volume Nº 1. It consists of an introductory Cd in Spanish and English. It also includes general instructions, tuning, charts, exercises, rhythmic structures and accentuation, scores for Soleá, Seguiriya, Alegrias, Tientos, Tangos, Bulerias.
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Teach yourself Flamenco Guitar, Volume Nº 1. It consists of an introductory Cd in Spanish and English. It also includes general instructions, tuning, charts, exercises, rhythmic structures and accentuation, scores for Soleá, Seguiriya, Alegrias, Tientos, Tangos, Bulerias.
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