Dichoso Musico Mustio by Jorge Cardoso.Scores Book.

Dichoso Musico Mustio by Jorge Cardoso.Scores Book.

Ref: 50079L-DMM
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Scores Book by Jorge Cardoso entitled “Dichoso Musico Mustio”. A musicial talking about music is normal. A Doctor talking about diseases is normal too.But a medical professional, excellent musician and composer talking about both fields with the wisdom of the experience is at least interesting and bring us the opportunity to go into the exciting field of the diseases in this art.

Often when we ask a musician with academic formation  about the kind of music that he plays we can confirm that the music that he plays do not usually coincide with the music that he really likes. It’s also possible,that during his training he wasn’t considered as good pupil because maybe he didn’t followed the classics academic rules.

Format: A4

140 pages

Spanish – English


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Scores Book by Jorge Cardoso entitled “Dichoso Musico Mustio”. A musicial talking about music is normal. A Doctor talking about diseases is normal too.But a medical professional, excellent musician and composer talking about both fields with the wisdom of the experience is at least interesting and bring us the opportunity to go into the exciting field of the diseases in this art.

Often when we ask a musician with academic formation  about the kind of music that he plays we can confirm that the music that he plays do not usually coincide with the music that he really likes. It’s also possible,that during his training he wasn’t considered as good pupil because maybe he didn’t followed the classics academic rules.

Format: A4

140 pages

Spanish – English


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