Bulerias training method by Paul Martinez

Bulerias training method by Paul Martinez

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Buleria training method. Didactic book to learn the characteristics of this "palo" flamenco. The times, the rhythmes and the "rasgueados", but also some examples of "falsetas" and some typical ends of the flamenco guitar masters are some significant chapters of this book. Includes a cd with "falsetas" by the author, a buleria accompaniment and the rhythme at some different speeds as a flamenco metronome to practice each exercice of the book.

Download available on www.apmusica.es

Author: Paul Martinez
Pages: 76
Size: 210 x 297

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Buleria training method. Didactic book to learn the characteristics of this "palo" flamenco. The times, the rhythmes and the "rasgueados", but also some examples of "falsetas" and some typical ends of the flamenco guitar masters are some significant chapters of this book. Includes a cd with "falsetas" by the author, a buleria accompaniment and the rhythme at some different speeds as a flamenco metronome to practice each exercice of the book.

Download available on www.apmusica.es

Author: Paul Martinez
Pages: 76
Size: 210 x 297

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