Aragon roots. 2 Cds

Aragon roots. 2 Cds

Ref: 50080023108
9'65Plazo de salida


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Collection that brings together the best of "las jotas aragonesas". It contains a double CD of the folklore form Aragon. The title says everything "Aragon roots". The most famous titles are the following ones: Una camisa sin mangas, Aragón tierra valiente, Pregonando la bravura, El que en Aragón se casa, A un baturro y una maña, Jota de baile de Zaragoza.
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Collection that brings together the best of "las jotas aragonesas". It contains a double CD of the folklore form Aragon. The title says everything "Aragon roots". The most famous titles are the following ones: Una camisa sin mangas, Aragón tierra valiente, Pregonando la bravura, El que en Aragón se casa, A un baturro y una maña, Jota de baile de Zaragoza.
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