Andalucia. Blanca y Verde es mi Bandera. 2CDS

Andalucia. Blanca y Verde es mi Bandera. 2CDS

Ref: 50080423847
9'65Plazo de salida


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On this double cd "Andalucia. Blanca y Verde es mi Bandera" you'll find 24 Andalousian songs, various ones.
From sevillans, tangos flamencos, fandangos, tientos, farrucas, to popular songs as "El Vito".
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On this double cd "Andalucia. Blanca y Verde es mi Bandera" you'll find 24 Andalousian songs, various ones.
From sevillans, tangos flamencos, fandangos, tientos, farrucas, to popular songs as "El Vito".
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