

Ref: 50509NM501
13'85Plazo de salida
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Shipment period 3 working days
The first work by Ketama. It was released in 1985, although it had been recorded two years earlier. At the time, the band, which was formed by José Soto, Juan Carmona, José Heredia and Antonio Carmona, represented a gamble in the recording world which would later reap its benefits. Ketama already enjoyed the involvement of important figures. This first record featured the participation, among others, of Carles Benavent (bass), Pepe Habichuela (guitar), Manuel Morao (guitar) and Teo Cardalda (piano).
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The first work by Ketama. It was released in 1985, although it had been recorded two years earlier. At the time, the band, which was formed by José Soto, Juan Carmona, José Heredia and Antonio Carmona, represented a gamble in the recording world which would later reap its benefits. Ketama already enjoyed the involvement of important figures. This first record featured the participation, among others, of Carles Benavent (bass), Pepe Habichuela (guitar), Manuel Morao (guitar) and Teo Cardalda (piano).
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