Chicuco. Sergio Monroy

Chicuco. Sergio Monroy

Ref: 50046BJ179
14'50Plazo de salida
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Shipment period 3 working days
In his second disc “Chicuco”, we find a Serge Monroy more mature in an artistic way, more advanced, however we don’t forget from where he is. In his keys, we find him, his old and new masters. He knows flamenco and he is flamenco, he absorbed it since he was a child but he never renounced to other styles of music. A great dish for acute palates; the quintessence of the flamenco of the XXIth century of Serge Monroy piano voice. Chicuco, a stylish flamenco jazz disc.
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In his second disc “Chicuco”, we find a Serge Monroy more mature in an artistic way, more advanced, however we don’t forget from where he is. In his keys, we find him, his old and new masters. He knows flamenco and he is flamenco, he absorbed it since he was a child but he never renounced to other styles of music. A great dish for acute palates; the quintessence of the flamenco of the XXIth century of Serge Monroy piano voice. Chicuco, a stylish flamenco jazz disc.
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