Chambao flamenco chill

Chambao flamenco chill

Ref: 50511BMG355
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Shipment period 3 working days
Here is a new example of what happens when flamenco and electronica are combined, the most innovative offer from the music industry, a fusion between flamenco and chill out music, in which the members of Chambao place their faith in a double album that includes six of their own tracks and in which the rest of the tracks involve the cooperation of leading figures on the new flamenco scene, like Vicente Amigo, or Elena Andújar and the prestigious DJ Howie B.
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Here is a new example of what happens when flamenco and electronica are combined, the most innovative offer from the music industry, a fusion between flamenco and chill out music, in which the members of Chambao place their faith in a double album that includes six of their own tracks and in which the rest of the tracks involve the cooperation of leading figures on the new flamenco scene, like Vicente Amigo, or Elena Andújar and the prestigious DJ Howie B.
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