Wooden Stick in dark carved wood. XL

Wooden Stick in dark carved wood. XL

Ref: 505412160006XL
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Shipment period 3 working days

Wooden Stick in a wood called ‘Almez’.

The teachers use the wooden sticks to set the time, the rhythm and the "compas". You can use it during the classes, the shows or for a dance editing.
Dances like the "garrotin" are always accompanied by wooden sticks; the teachers and the students use them.
The measures of the stick could vary (up to 5cm) as they are hand made.

The stick is made of natural wood, which means not all branches have the same  width, length or weigh. That is why not always the sticks are uniform, neither have a total symmetry and verticality. Somewhere on the stick there may be some slot or curve, which could be considered imperfections. However, they are part of the process of handcraft manufacturing.

Aproximate measurements: 100/110cm.

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Wooden Stick in a wood called ‘Almez’.

The teachers use the wooden sticks to set the time, the rhythm and the "compas". You can use it during the classes, the shows or for a dance editing.
Dances like the "garrotin" are always accompanied by wooden sticks; the teachers and the students use them.
The measures of the stick could vary (up to 5cm) as they are hand made.

The stick is made of natural wood, which means not all branches have the same  width, length or weigh. That is why not always the sticks are uniform, neither have a total symmetry and verticality. Somewhere on the stick there may be some slot or curve, which could be considered imperfections. However, they are part of the process of handcraft manufacturing.

Aproximate measurements: 100/110cm.

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