Juegos de niños - Rafael Riqueni

Juegos de niños - Rafael Riqueni

Ref: 50509NM485
19'66Plazo de salida


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Juego de Niños, was Rafael Riqueni's recording debut and it did not disppoint the many aficionados who were anxiously waiting for it, when it was released as an LP in 1986.
Flamenco INternational Magazine considers it ''...alongside with Paco de Lucía's 'Sirocco' the most important guitar album of that revolutionay decade''.
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Juego de Niños, was Rafael Riqueni's recording debut and it did not disppoint the many aficionados who were anxiously waiting for it, when it was released as an LP in 1986.
Flamenco INternational Magazine considers it ''...alongside with Paco de Lucía's 'Sirocco' the most important guitar album of that revolutionay decade''.
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