flamenco dance outfits: mod. short Sleeved

flamenco dance outfits: mod. short Sleeved

Ref: 501710111
244'36Plazo de salida
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Shipment period 3 working days
Short Sleeved 'Bulerias' dance outfit, 100% woven polyester. Single dance outfit with V-neck line, four semi-cape godes starting just under the waistline, 65 cm. long, ideal for professionals and semi professionals. The dress is designed to ankle lenght and very outfit is individually rounded to avoid creases.
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Short Sleeved 'Bulerias' dance outfit, 100% woven polyester. Single dance outfit with V-neck line, four semi-cape godes starting just under the waistline, 65 cm. long, ideal for professionals and semi professionals. The dress is designed to ankle lenght and very outfit is individually rounded to avoid creases.
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