Soleá Morente. Tendrá que haber un camino

Soleá Morente. Tendrá que haber un camino

Ref: 50113SM699
16'88Plazo de salida


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After a vast number of artistic adventures, Soleá Morente has just released her first album as such. Its title is 'Tendrá que haber un camino'. She searches for and finds her place surrounded by her loved ones, who are many and diverse. Because this is not an album of encounters, but of relationships. The overwhelming cast of guests responds to both artistic and vital reasons. Morente is bonded to all of them: in terms of blood or friendship.

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After a vast number of artistic adventures, Soleá Morente has just released her first album as such. Its title is 'Tendrá que haber un camino'. She searches for and finds her place surrounded by her loved ones, who are many and diverse. Because this is not an album of encounters, but of relationships. The overwhelming cast of guests responds to both artistic and vital reasons. Morente is bonded to all of them: in terms of blood or friendship.

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