Un momento en el sonido - Vicente Amigo

Un momento en el sonido - Vicente Amigo

Ref: 50511BMG480
25'35Plazo de salida
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Shipment period 3 working days

Vicente Amigo is giving his best in this album. After five years without publishing an alum alone, Vicente Amigo comes back with 'Un momento en el sonido'. A flamenco album, in which there is the cooperation of Tino di Geraldo and Joan Albert Amargos and the singers Antonio Villar and 'Potito'. 'Un momento en el sonido' is the best song of the album. The rhythmic originality of the rumba 'Demipati', the solea 'Mezquita', the development of the buleria 'Campo de la verdad' composed by the torero José Tomas. The picture on the album is has been draw by  José Luis Muñoz.

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Vicente Amigo is giving his best in this album. After five years without publishing an alum alone, Vicente Amigo comes back with 'Un momento en el sonido'. A flamenco album, in which there is the cooperation of Tino di Geraldo and Joan Albert Amargos and the singers Antonio Villar and 'Potito'. 'Un momento en el sonido' is the best song of the album. The rhythmic originality of the rumba 'Demipati', the solea 'Mezquita', the development of the buleria 'Campo de la verdad' composed by the torero José Tomas. The picture on the album is has been draw by  José Luis Muñoz.

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