Original Flamenco Earrings

Original Flamenco Earrings

Ref: 506390024
15'00Plazo de salida


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The flamenco earrings are simply gorgeous and definitely unique. They are a must when it comes to accessorize a flamenco dress for La Feria (the Spanish fair) or any type of festivity Andalusian style.

These earrings are handmade in Seville (Spain).
Measurements: 6.5cm X 1.5cm.

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The flamenco earrings are simply gorgeous and definitely unique. They are a must when it comes to accessorize a flamenco dress for La Feria (the Spanish fair) or any type of festivity Andalusian style.

These earrings are handmade in Seville (Spain).
Measurements: 6.5cm X 1.5cm.

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