Solo compas - peteneras

Solo compas - peteneras

Ref: 5050622039
14'50Plazo de salida
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Shipment period 3 working days
Sólo Compás is a designed collection so that you can learn how to distinguish the rhythm and the compás of the flamenco's different palos. Specially suitable for the learning or improvement in the guitar and in the dance.
Dance: Manuel Corrales "El Mimbre"
Sing: Jesús Heredia
Guitar: José Manuel Roldán
Percussion: José Fernández
1 Peteneras Complete with Dance
2 Peteneras Complete without Dance
3 Firts Part. Exit
4 Second Part. Falseta of Guitar
5 Third Part
6 Fourth Part. Escobilla Final
7 Peteneras Slow with Guitar
8 Peteneras with Guitar
9 Peteneras. Rhythm Only
10 Escobillas with Guitar
11 Escobillas. Rhythm Only
12 Escobillas with Guitar
13 Escobillas. Rhythm Only
14 Escobillas with Guitar
15 Escobillas with Guitar
16 Song Only. Peteneras of Medina el Viejo and el Mochuelo
17 Song Only. Peteneras of Medina el Viejo and el Mochuelo whitout Song
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Sólo Compás is a designed collection so that you can learn how to distinguish the rhythm and the compás of the flamenco's different palos. Specially suitable for the learning or improvement in the guitar and in the dance.
Dance: Manuel Corrales "El Mimbre"
Sing: Jesús Heredia
Guitar: José Manuel Roldán
Percussion: José Fernández
1 Peteneras Complete with Dance
2 Peteneras Complete without Dance
3 Firts Part. Exit
4 Second Part. Falseta of Guitar
5 Third Part
6 Fourth Part. Escobilla Final
7 Peteneras Slow with Guitar
8 Peteneras with Guitar
9 Peteneras. Rhythm Only
10 Escobillas with Guitar
11 Escobillas. Rhythm Only
12 Escobillas with Guitar
13 Escobillas. Rhythm Only
14 Escobillas with Guitar
15 Escobillas with Guitar
16 Song Only. Peteneras of Medina el Viejo and el Mochuelo
17 Song Only. Peteneras of Medina el Viejo and el Mochuelo whitout Song
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