Solo compas - solea

Solo compas - solea

Ref: 5050650083
21'65Plazo de salida
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Shipment period 3 working days

Sólo Compás is a designed collection so that you can learn how to distinguish the rhythm and the compás of the flamenco's different palos. Specially suitable for the learning or improvement in the guitar and in the dance.
 Dance: Javier Barón
 Sing: Francisco José "Arcángel" Ramos
 Guitar: José Manuel Roldán
 Percussion and Hand Claps: Manuel Salado
  CD Double

  CD 1
1 Dance for Soleá Complete with Pounding of the Heels
2 Dance for Soleá Complete without Pounding of the Heels
3 First Block of Song
4 Second Block of Song
5 Bulerías
6 Soleá Slow with Guitar
7 Soleá Rhythm Only, Slow
8 Soleá Rhythm Only, Slow
9 Bulerías Rhythm Only
  CD 2
1 Escobilla Very Slow
2 Escobilla Slow
3 Escobilla Medium
4 Escobilla Medium. Rhythm Only
5 Escobilla Fast
6 Escobilla Fast. Rhythm Only
7 Escobilla Very Fast
8 Escobilla Very Fast. Rhythm Only

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Sólo Compás is a designed collection so that you can learn how to distinguish the rhythm and the compás of the flamenco's different palos. Specially suitable for the learning or improvement in the guitar and in the dance.
 Dance: Javier Barón
 Sing: Francisco José "Arcángel" Ramos
 Guitar: José Manuel Roldán
 Percussion and Hand Claps: Manuel Salado
  CD Double

  CD 1
1 Dance for Soleá Complete with Pounding of the Heels
2 Dance for Soleá Complete without Pounding of the Heels
3 First Block of Song
4 Second Block of Song
5 Bulerías
6 Soleá Slow with Guitar
7 Soleá Rhythm Only, Slow
8 Soleá Rhythm Only, Slow
9 Bulerías Rhythm Only
  CD 2
1 Escobilla Very Slow
2 Escobilla Slow
3 Escobilla Medium
4 Escobilla Medium. Rhythm Only
5 Escobilla Fast
6 Escobilla Fast. Rhythm Only
7 Escobilla Very Fast
8 Escobilla Very Fast. Rhythm Only

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