La Guitarra Flamenca en el Siglo XIX. Manuel Granados. Cuarteto Al-Hambra 2014.CD

La Guitarra Flamenca en el Siglo XIX. Manuel Granados. Cuarteto Al-Hambra 2014.CD

Ref: 50489RGB-CD021
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Original works by Manuel Granados: FLAMENCO GUITARS QUARTET “AL-HAMBRA

The Flamenco Guitar Quartet "Al-Hamra" was formed in 2013 in the Liceu Higher School of Music in Barcelona, under the direction of the Flamenco Master Manuel Granados.

The main novelty is the made upon four flamenco guitars, an unprecedented formation in flamenco. This approach supports the creation of works in which the voices including combined without losing their concert character , and the sound of flamenco ensemble extends through greater contrapuntal development that enrich the speech sound repertoire.

Héctor Delgado: Flamenco guitar
Josele Rider: Flamenco guitar
Javier Moreno: Flamenco guitar
Marc Segura: Flamenco guitar

Track list:
Romance en trémolo flamenco 
Soledad (Soleá)
Veleña (Fandango malagueño y Petenera)
Aroma (Guajira)
Fragua (Siguiriya)
Desplante (Farruca)

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Original works by Manuel Granados: FLAMENCO GUITARS QUARTET “AL-HAMBRA

The Flamenco Guitar Quartet "Al-Hamra" was formed in 2013 in the Liceu Higher School of Music in Barcelona, under the direction of the Flamenco Master Manuel Granados.

The main novelty is the made upon four flamenco guitars, an unprecedented formation in flamenco. This approach supports the creation of works in which the voices including combined without losing their concert character , and the sound of flamenco ensemble extends through greater contrapuntal development that enrich the speech sound repertoire.

Héctor Delgado: Flamenco guitar
Josele Rider: Flamenco guitar
Javier Moreno: Flamenco guitar
Marc Segura: Flamenco guitar

Track list:
Romance en trémolo flamenco 
Soledad (Soleá)
Veleña (Fandango malagueño y Petenera)
Aroma (Guajira)
Fragua (Siguiriya)
Desplante (Farruca)

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