Grandes cantaores del flamenco - La Paquera de Jerez

Grandes cantaores del flamenco - La Paquera de Jerez

Ref: 50112UN132
10'80Plazo de salida
Available stock: 1
Shipment period 3 working days
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Shipment period 3 working days
La Paquera de Jerez is no myth nor legend, she is in the here and now and needs only of two taps on the chest and an intoning her voice to prove she is still queen.
Her mad grito is almost agressive and when heard through fandangos it is a knife that will penetrate your blood and leave you close to collapse. Her cante, very similar to the caracol style, has a strong Gypsy flavor and a special taste for wines from ther land that, like the cante, has made Jerez de la Frontera famous.
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La Paquera de Jerez is no myth nor legend, she is in the here and now and needs only of two taps on the chest and an intoning her voice to prove she is still queen.
Her mad grito is almost agressive and when heard through fandangos it is a knife that will penetrate your blood and leave you close to collapse. Her cante, very similar to the caracol style, has a strong Gypsy flavor and a special taste for wines from ther land that, like the cante, has made Jerez de la Frontera famous.
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