Show flamenco - Dvd

Show flamenco - Dvd

Ref: 506960010D
5'10Plazo de salida


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In this video we will show you nine different dances, just as they are performed on stage:
Fandangos, Alegrías, Soleá, Sevillanas, Bulerías, Tientos, Rumba, Tangos, Farruca.
'TABLAO' performance to Live Music.
Length: 35 minutes.
Languages: Spanish, English, German, Japanese.

The DVD is valid and compatible for all countries (NTSC and PAL). Guaranteed.

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In this video we will show you nine different dances, just as they are performed on stage:
Fandangos, Alegrías, Soleá, Sevillanas, Bulerías, Tientos, Rumba, Tangos, Farruca.
'TABLAO' performance to Live Music.
Length: 35 minutes.
Languages: Spanish, English, German, Japanese.

The DVD is valid and compatible for all countries (NTSC and PAL). Guaranteed.

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