The roots of the Mines Songs. Pedro Fernández Riquelme

The roots of the Mines Songs. Pedro Fernández Riquelme

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In the fascinating world of the "Cante de las Minas", literally the Mines Songs, the recording studios couldn't release the original discography and therefore it has always been a dark world.
This book, between an essay and a guide, tries to order these songs in order that the reader gets an idea about these muscial styles origins. Therefore, the author offers a report of the recorded songs, he establishes parent links between the styles, he analyses the texts and offers a synthesis of the evolution of the songs coming from the mines. Guerrita, Fanegas or El Niño de Caravaca are some of the forgotten cantaores now with a place among our cultural inheritance.


I Part. The origins of the Mines Songs
 - Introduction
 - Folklore
 - Cartageneras and Murcianas
 - Antonio Chacon
 - La Taranta

II Part. Flamenco and couplet in the region of Murcia.

III Part. Guierrita and the Lost Generation.

Only available in Spanish.

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In the fascinating world of the "Cante de las Minas", literally the Mines Songs, the recording studios couldn't release the original discography and therefore it has always been a dark world.
This book, between an essay and a guide, tries to order these songs in order that the reader gets an idea about these muscial styles origins. Therefore, the author offers a report of the recorded songs, he establishes parent links between the styles, he analyses the texts and offers a synthesis of the evolution of the songs coming from the mines. Guerrita, Fanegas or El Niño de Caravaca are some of the forgotten cantaores now with a place among our cultural inheritance.


I Part. The origins of the Mines Songs
 - Introduction
 - Folklore
 - Cartageneras and Murcianas
 - Antonio Chacon
 - La Taranta

II Part. Flamenco and couplet in the region of Murcia.

III Part. Guierrita and the Lost Generation.

Only available in Spanish.

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