Flamenco music history by Maria Jesus Castro.

Flamenco music history by Maria Jesus Castro.

Ref: 50489L-MAESTRO03
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“Flamenco history” offers an original and a new perspective which is based on flamenco as music, far from the biographical aspects, typical of the articles published until now about this topic. As first pedagogical method of flamenco music, there’re some innovative propositions: divisions in musical moments, generational classification of sing and music schools, development of the flamenco repertoire and actual categories exhibition like the Posflamenco. In fact, this work allows teachers, students and fans to know and study the flamenco music history in another way.


A4 format,128 pages.


Texts in Spanish.



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“Flamenco history” offers an original and a new perspective which is based on flamenco as music, far from the biographical aspects, typical of the articles published until now about this topic. As first pedagogical method of flamenco music, there’re some innovative propositions: divisions in musical moments, generational classification of sing and music schools, development of the flamenco repertoire and actual categories exhibition like the Posflamenco. In fact, this work allows teachers, students and fans to know and study the flamenco music history in another way.


A4 format,128 pages.


Texts in Spanish.



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