Figures of flamenco singing. Paco el Americano

Figures of flamenco singing. Paco el Americano

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Bruno de Perinat compiles in this work, which first edition we reproduce an unpublished repertoire of verses written to be sung by Paco ''El Americano' remarkable figure of flamenco of the XXth century for his nice voice, of tone and soft and with energy gestures. The copy which contains an autograph of the artist dedicated to his readers gather an interview of the singer where he narrates his beginnings, anecdotes and his way to understand the art, with his most representative songs as thread to follow and the collection of fandangos, granadinas, soleares and guajiras.

Technical data of the facsimile
Collection: Flamenco and andalucian folklore.
ISBN: 978-84-96909-66-3
Code: E04-00088
Format: 130 X 190
Pages: 54 (b/n)

Original work
Printer: Sánchez,M
Place of impresion: Seville
Year of edition: 2007
Language: Spanish.

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Bruno de Perinat compiles in this work, which first edition we reproduce an unpublished repertoire of verses written to be sung by Paco ''El Americano' remarkable figure of flamenco of the XXth century for his nice voice, of tone and soft and with energy gestures. The copy which contains an autograph of the artist dedicated to his readers gather an interview of the singer where he narrates his beginnings, anecdotes and his way to understand the art, with his most representative songs as thread to follow and the collection of fandangos, granadinas, soleares and guajiras.

Technical data of the facsimile
Collection: Flamenco and andalucian folklore.
ISBN: 978-84-96909-66-3
Code: E04-00088
Format: 130 X 190
Pages: 54 (b/n)

Original work
Printer: Sánchez,M
Place of impresion: Seville
Year of edition: 2007
Language: Spanish.

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